Does the state you live in affect how much your vapes will cost? Absolutely! Different states charge a different amount of additional tax on vapor products that is specific to the state you reside in. Many states do not have an excise tax on vapor products, whereas many states like Minnesota have insane taxes (95%…
There have been many trends and fads in the vaping industry. However, none have been more explosive and domineering as the recent growth of disposable vapes. Almost every major manufacturer has released its own range of disposables. Some like Simeiyue now even have a subsidiary company (Lavie) focusing solely on disposables. So why…
Dear Customer, We have special offer for you! With an order of 899 USD or more, you will get free Lavie Switch product in a full box of 10 PCS, flavor random. You can order any product, then you get the offer as long as your purchase is not less than 899 USD.